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Combatting Trafficking: Turkey. Local Action and Direct Assistance

The project will implement a comprehensive strategy to combat human trafficking in Turkey, fostering community-based solutions, increasing humanitarian protection of trafficked individuals and bolstering law enforcement interventions. First, the project will coordinate the development and execution of local action plans to combat trafficking in persons in pilot communities to be identified in northeastern Turkey. Second, trafficking will be reduced through stepped up law enforcement identification of trafficked persons in border regions in northeastern Turkey. To this end, the project will train up to 100 border officials and relevant law enforcement representatives to increase identifications and put in place sustainable interdiction strategies. Third, public awareness of trafficking realities will be increased in the pilot communities to increase local ownership of counter-trafficking strategies. Finally, the project will ensure sustainability of Turkey’s nascent counter trafficking program, which is essential in support of the three principle goals of this program. Accordingly, the project will ensure humanitarian protection of trafficked individuals through safe accommodation and coordination of voluntary return. In addition, it will support the 157 Helpline for rescue of trafficked persons, enhanced data collection and analysis of trafficking trends. The project will operate in coordination with development programs in northeastern Turkey, including UNDP and the UN Joint Gender Project and encourage cross-border collaboration and regional solutions to combating the international crime of human trafficking.
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