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Security Forces

Strategy to Address Human Trafficking, Kidnappings and Smuggling of Persons in Sudan

Sudan is at the centre of the East African migration route towards North Africa and Europe. Over the past decade, hundreds of irregular migrants, asylum-seekers and refugees have been transiting through Sudan every month, with some choosing to seek asylum in the country. Those on the move are mostly young Eritrean Tigrinya speakers from urban areas, but they also include Ethiopians, Somalis, South Sudanese and Syrians. Exit visa requirements from Eritrea, socio-economic challenges and protection concerns within Sudan, are often cited as reasons for moving on. They are also compelled to rely on smugglers to arrange their travel in order to seek safety in Eastern Sudan refugee camps or to move elsewhere in Sudan and beyond.Persons traveling from other countries usually also rely on smugglers to facilitate their entry into Sudan. Such irregular movements expose these persons to various forms of exploitation, which often end up in human trafficking. Sudanese nationals are exposed to similar risks when seeking opportunities abroad.
Middle East
North Africa