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An Analytical Review 10 Years From the Adoption of the UN Trafficking in Persons Protocol

In October 2010, the international community, in the fifth Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its Protocols (CTOC/COP) commemorated the 10 year anniversary of the adoption of the Convention and the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children by the United Nations General Assembly. The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of the mandates of the member organizations of ICAT, as well as an analytical review of where the international community now stands 10 years on from the adoption of the Trafficking Protocol. The document also provides a view to the future with the proposal by particular agencies of concrete recommendations for future action.

Pivoting Toward the Evidence: Building Effective Counter-Trafficking Responses Using Accumulated Knowledge and a Shared Approach to Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning

While anti-trafficking actors have long recognized the importance of measuring, evaluating and learning (MEL) from the multiple and evolving counter-trafficking efforts, there has not been systematic investment in MEL or a consolidated or shared approach to MEL practices and tools that can be used to inform the anti-trafficking sector more broadly. As a consequence, counter-trafficking programmes do not routinely draw on the significant amount of knowledge accumulated from multiple responses to date. This can limit the potential effectiveness of programmes, as well as the ability of evaluation to identify and report on programme outcomes. In an effort to reflect more systematically on the state of evaluation in the sector and to develop a way forward, this paper seeks to construct a common framework for aligning goals, defining and assessing progress, and building a robust and shared evidence-base of effective anti-trafficking programmes and practices. It suggests a road map for capturing and using knowledge accumulated in the sector and beyond, guiding and growing effective interventions, monitoring their progress, evaluating their results and compiling evidence of “what works” in countering human trafficking.

The IOM Handbook on Performance Indicators for Counter-Trafficking Projects

In 2004, a new initiative began between the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) to develop performance indicators for counter-trafficking (CT) projects. As part of continued efforts to improve the quality and assess impact of its counter-trafficking work, IOM has worked closely with the U.S. Government to develop performance indicators within the programming context of trafficking in persons. This effort has been field and experience driven with the goal of developing monitoring and evaluating systems and establishing institutional guidelines for measuring the short, medium and long-term impacts of counter-trafficking work. It is hoped that this handbook will be useful for government and non-governmental stakeholders and service providers for establishing performance indicators for counter-trafficking projects that can be compared across countries and regions, and ultimately assist in effective and successful programming.

Migrants and their Vulnerability to Human Trafficking, Modern Slavery and Forced Labour

What makes migrants vulnerable to human trafficking and associated forms of exploitation and abuse? A new study, undertaken by Minderoo Foundation’s Walk Free initiative and IOM, examines the connection between migration and modern slavery, and focuses on which migrants are most vulnerable, and in what circumstances, to modern slavery. The report explores various sites of vulnerability where migrants are particularly susceptible to human trafficking, forced labour and modern slavery. These include private dwellings, border crossings, irregular migration routes and conflict zones. The report illustrates that migrants are most vulnerable to exploitation in situations where the authority of the State and society are unable to protect them. It also analyses the characteristics of victims that are thought to contribute to their vulnerability. In addition, the study explains some characteristics of offenders, including worldviews that allow them to rationalize the exploitation of others. Lastly, the study looks at examples of enabling environments or contexts, such as restrictive immigration policies, that engender or exacerbate vulnerability.

Guidelines for the Collection of Data on Trafficking in Human Beings, Including Comparable Indicators

The lack of reliable and comparable data on trafficking in human beings remains one of the main obstacles in effectively preventing and combating trafficking in human beings as well as protecting and assisting victims. IOM and the Austrian Federal Ministry of the Interior have recently published the Guidelines for the Collection of Data on Trafficking in Human Beings (THB), Including Comparable Indicators, developed to create the necessary basis for an improved collection, comparison and sharing of data on THB. The Guidelines seek to enhance the capacity of the national authorities to collect and share data as well as to contribute to EU-wide efforts to enhance data collection and to foster cooperation among EU Member States.
Alexis. A. Aronowitz

Étude régionale comparative Législations sur la traite des personnes: Burkina Faso, Mali, Maroc, Mauritanie, Niger, Sénégal, Tchad, Tunisie

It appeared necessary to carry out a synthetic comparative analysis of 8 legislations applied in countries of the Maghreb and the Sahel, to succeed in integrating a new bill on human trafficking in Mauritania in a coherent and harmonized regional framework, a process in which the Burkinabé, Malian and Senegalese women also got involved by preparing a draft amendment to their trafficking law. Comparative analysis of the laws of Burkina Faso, Mali, Morocco, Niger, Senegal, Chad, Tunisia and Mauritania seek to allow Mauritanian authorities to initiate review aimed at strengthen existing legislative provisions.
Burkina Faso
West Africa
Central Africa
Middle East
North Africa
Eric Panloup

Needs Assessment Tool:Counter-trafficking Response in Georgia

Over the last half decade, IOM has implemented many counter-trafficking actions in Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan. Although there have been major improvements in efforts to combat trafficking in human beings (THB) within these countries, as the modes of operation of traffickers continue to evolve, States need to ensure that interventions continue to address the needs of victims on the ground while at the same time focusing on targeted capacity-building of law enforcement. This is particularly true in light of recently identified global trends, including the increased incidents of trafficking for the purposes of labour exploitation, the recognized under-identification of male victims and an observed rise in the number of children identified as victims. Therefore, at the end of 2015, IOM undertook a project funded by the IOM Development Fund to improve planned THB interventions in the countries in the South Caucasus by making available a comprehensive assessment of the overall THB situation in each country. The assessment was done for these specific purposes: (1) to collect and synthesize stakeholder views of the current human trafficking landscape and responses thereto in the region; (2) to identify stakeholders’ perspectives on the trafficking situation and trends, as well as the gaps in relation to identification and referral, assistance and protection, and prevention and cooperation; and (3) to arrive at key conclusions and offer recommendations on how to strengthen existing responses, correct inappropriate processes, and address gaps at the domestic and, to the extent possible, regional levels. In order to produce these reports, a researcher was hired to develop a counter-trafficking needs assessment tool in line with international standards to serve as a basis for a needs assessment of existing State and non-government organization counter-trafficking mechanisms in each country. The research methodology included a desk review, stakeholder survey, in-person interviews conducted in each country and a national validation workshop for each country. As a result of this initiative, three separate national country reports for Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan were produced in June 2016. The findings within each report are broken down into the following categories: (a) national THB trends; (b) identification and referral; (c) assistance and protection; (d) investigation and prosecution; (e) prevention; (f) and coordination and cooperation. Findings were based on indicators developed as a part of the tool. Each report additionally contains recommendations to address gaps within each listed category, which stakeholders are invited to consider in their future efforts to combat THB in their respective countries.
Marika McAdam