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Training Curriculum

Prevention and Resolution of Violent and Armed Conflicts

The manual developed by CRISIS and ACTRAV puts the emphasis on the importance of the role of trade unions in prevention and early warning and proposes measures and initiatives to be implemented by trade unions in cooperation with governments, employers and other players in civil society with a view to achieving peace, building upon it and undertaking reconstruction.

Human Trafficking - How To Investigate It? Training Manual for Law Enforcement Officers

This training material was developed in the framework of the project Fight against Trafficking in Human Beings - Phase 1 (THB/IFS/1), which was funded by the European Union under its Instrument for Stability with the aim to fight organised crime and trafficking in human beings (THB) in Azebaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova and Turkey. The project was implemented in the period January 2013 to September 2014 by ICMPD (International Centre for Migration Policy Develpment) in partnership with FIIAPP (Fundación Internacional y para Iberoamérica de Administración y Políticas Públicas) and EF (Expertise France) and focused on the enhancement of national, regional and trans-regional law enforcement cooperation.
Paul David Newton

What is Trafficking in Human Beings? Trainer's manual

The manual is produced in the framework of the Prague Process Migration Observatory implemented through the “Prague Process: Dialogue, Analyses and Training in Action” (PP DATA) initiative, funded by the European Union and implemented by ICMPD in its capacity of Prague Process Secretariat. PP DATA aims at sustaining and further enhancing the cooperation established in the area of migration and asylum between the countries of the European Union, the Schengen Area, the Eastern Partnership, the Western Balkans, Central Asia, Russia and Turkey. The goal of this manual is to guide its users in developing and delivering training sessions covering ten key areas concerning combating trafficking in human beings. The manual provides content and technical implementation information for each session, as well as brief instructions on the process of teaching and useful insights about adult learning. The manual is developed to serve the anti-trafficking stakeholders from the participating countries of Prague Process. The Manual is a practical guide that can be adapted to fit the training needs of the participants. It can be used for in-house trainings, delivered by professionals with a certain level of training experience to an audience with no or basic knowledge on the topic of trafficking in human beings, or it can also be used for training-of-trainers programmes. Having in mind the diversity of the human trafficking phenomenon across the Prague Process region and the specificities of the national anti-trafficking responses, the manual is designed in a way that can be also adapted to any country-specific context. The information for the manual was collected through desk research of the available handbooks and manuals on the topic of combating trafficking in human beings, adding the knowledge and expertise of ICMPD Anti-trafficking Programme.
Madis Vainomaa
Ivanka Heinzl

Training-of-Trainers Curriculum on Standard Operating Procedures for Identification and Referral of Trafficked Persons in Lebanon

The draft Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for Identification and Referral of Trafficked Persons in Lebanon have been elaborated in the framework of the project ‘’Training to Enhance Lebanese Anti-trafficking Effort (TELAE): Identification, Referral and Policy Responses’’ implemented by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) and financially supported by the United States Department of State, Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons. The SOPs are carefully in line with human rights and international standards and policy developments. The SOPs are adapted to the national procedures and anti-trafficking legislation in Lebanon, Law Number 164 Punishment of the Crime of Trafficking in Persons, and are meant to build upon the existing national mechanisms and take them a step further towards more coordinated action. The draft document, divided into two Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) sections, was jointly developed and validated by the nominated focal points from the relevant governmental, non- governmental and international organizations in Lebanon. Each institution/organization nominated two representatives to participate in the elaboration of the SOPs as well as in the other activities of the project.
Middle East
North Africa
Markéta Von Hagen

Simulation-Based Training Exercises to Combat Human Trafficking. A Practical Handbook

In 2016, the Office of the OSCE Special Representative and Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings (OSR/CTHB) launched the project “Combating Human Trafficking along Migration Routes”. The project sought to develop a training exercise that would improve the investigation and prosecution of cases and enhance the identification and protection of victims, particularly those along migration routes. The result was a groundbreaking training programme with three distinctive features: The exercises use live actors to create simulations of real cases that are explored over the course of a week by first-line practitioners. The training format is built around a multidisciplinary approach that brings together practitioners from a variety of fields—including prosecutors, law enforcement, social services, NGOs, and financial investigators—to train in close collaboration. The exercises include trainees from multiple countries, incorporating cultural differences and cross-border challenges into the storylines. These features put a strong emphasis on the human interaction that is so fundamental to this field of work; it is this human interaction that helps develop strong professional networks among the participants—across disciplines and borders

Training Manual to Fight Trafficking in Children for Labour, Sexual and Other Forms of Exploitation Facilitator's Guide

The course is structured to move from understanding and knowledge to action, with the vital intermediary stage of planning. It is organized into three textbooks (and a related exercise book): Textbook 1 covers understanding of child trafficking, and aims to cover the main concepts involved so that there is clarity and common understanding but also so that variations (for example national variations in legal definitions) can be shared and considered. It also includes facts and figures designed to give a ‘snapshot’ of child trafficking across the world, and looks at how statistics and data can be gathered and used so that such a snapshot is clear and usable. The final session in this book explores the people involved in anti-trafficking efforts. Once all this is covered, the group is ready to move on to plan effective action. Note that it is important to ensure that there is a smooth transition between this theoretical section and the action-oriented section that follows; the link is through National Action Plans (NAPs), which take all the theory/research/mapping/data and formulate them into a plan for action. It is important, throughout the course, to keep referencing policies and actions within the framework of the NAP (and other equivalent frameworks, including at local, regional and other levels). Textbook 2 will differ according to the course participants but is generally organized around the actions that can be taken by the various groups under four main headings: Broad protection of children/building a protective environment; prevention of the crime of trafficking; law enforcement; and victim assistance. The principal sectoral roles and responsibilities of each group are examined in more detail. For each topic, there is a generic section, followed by ‘GWEN’ – individual notes for Governments, Workers’ organizations, Employers’ organizations and NGOs/international organizations. It is useful, of course, for all participants to consider all the roles, but you will want to concentrate – depending on the participants in the course – on the specifics. For government representatives, for example, there is a focus on policy and action on social issues such as poverty reduction, education and youth employment, as well as important trafficking-specific policy areas like migration, recruitment and labour. For workers’ organizations, the focus is more obviously on workplace actions including monitoring and standards, reporting, combating discrimination and protecting migrant workers. Employers will look at some of these areas too, as well as social auditing, codes of conduct and sectoral agreements. NGOs, international agencies and civil society representatives will focus on their role in influencing and informing policy, and the kinds of direct assistance that can be implemented. Textbook 3 focuses on ‘matters of process’ to underline the message that not only what you do is important, but how you do it. It covers areas such as advocacy and mobilization, working with the media, building partnerships, child participation, monitoring and evaluation, and learning and sharing lessons. Throughout the course, the focus is on child trafficking as a violation of the rights of the child, and a worst form of child labour.

Counter Trafficking Facilitators Guide

This facilitator’s guide has been designed to accompany the ‘Human Trafficking: A modern form of slavery’ training manual and training programme, with the aim of providing participants with a complete package of lesson plans and training skills necessary for carrying out short training and information sessions on human trafficking. The guide includes training tips and guidelines for effective communication skills; lesson plans covering five thematic areas and an appendix of ice breaker activities and additional resources. An updated information sheet is included in the inside cover of the training manual, as a corrigendum to the 2009 edition.
European Economic Area

Caring for Survivors of Sexual Violence in Emergencies

The inter-agency training package “Caring for Survivors” was developed in an effort to provide multi-sectoral actors with the necessary survivor-centered skills and tools to improve referral systems and care and support to survivors of GBV in their communities.

Community Engagement in Preventing and Responding to Gender-based Violence and Trafficking in Persons (Training Guide)

In an effort to strengthen the capacity of law enforcement agencies in Nigeria on gender-based violence and trafficking in persons, the International Organization for Migration in Nigeria previously developed two training guides for the Nigeria Police Force (NPF). As one of a three-part training package, this manual is based on a capacity assessment and consultation conducted with the NPF and Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) in North-East Nigeria. This manual is practical and operationally oriented and is not designed as a series of lessons or academic treatise, but a practical “how to” guide that integrates and contextualizes training materials, resources, research and best practices developed by other agencies and experts to fit NPF and NSCDC needs in North-East Nigeria.
West Africa
Central Africa
Shukri Hirabe Gesod